Whole 30 Week one

Monday, January 19, 2015


So its been a week. One whole lovely little week of eating clean, exercising and kicking ass and I can honestly say that its been great. I don’t feel overly tired, I don’t crave to much of the processes foods I once loved. I haven't been bloated or gassy like most who are in their first week. But I chock that up to doing a whole lot of practicing before hand. I mean I pretty much ate whole. I didn’t eat a lot of dairy (besides my beloved cheese.) and I tried to eat a lot of veggies before and I also didn’t eat a whole lot of grains/bread/beans.

I did have my self some good old Mexican food a few days before as my goodbye meal. I scarfed that huge enchilada down and felt super super gross afterwards and the whole next two days had stomach issues.  So it was a huge sign to me that what I was about to start would be all worth it.

Alright lets break it down day by day shall we?

Day one: Easy!!! It was like no big deal to get up before Wyatt went to school cook up some yummy breakfast and shuttle him of to school. I even did a 90 minute Zumba class before picking him up. The only hard part of the day was timing the meals. I ate breakfast at 7:30am then lunch at 12:00 pm but then we went to SLC to check out TJs and Wholefoods and didn’t get home until 7:30pm and I was DYING!!! I was soooo hungry! I didn’t bring a snack and normally we would have stop and ate somewhere but I was not about to do that. So lesson learned. Don’t go on a big trip with out packing food. ugh.

  • Meal one: Scrambled eggs with chicken apple sausage, green onions, sweet potatoes cooked with coconut oil.
  • Meal two: Chicken apple sausage with shredded white sweet potatoes spinach green onions cooked with avocado oil with a side of guacamole and blood oranges.
  • Meal three: Stuff spinach Burgers with fried potatoes bits and plantain chips all fried up in coconut oil.


Day two: Still easy. Got up before school, cooked breakfast, ate with the kids. After School heated up left overs which the kids were soooo thrilled about. Did some T25 during nap time, cleaned the house, started dinner early and took Wyatt to karate class. I mean it was a normal day. I didn’t crave anything really, I didn’t eat snacks during the day. It was pretty boring. I did end up going out to a movie with the husband and he got popcorn and a soda and I didn’t. I thought it would have been hard to see him munching away but it wasn’t.

  • Meal One: Omelet cooked in coconut oil stuffed with misc. veggies and apple sausage with a side of apples.
  • Meal Two: Left over stuff burgers from the day before with sweet potatoes fries cooked in avocado oil and a side of bananas.
  • Meal Three: Turkey Chili made with organic sugarless tomatoes paste, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, garlic etc. The only thing I wish I would have wanted was some guacamole or something because when I sat down to eat this I wanted cheese and sour cream soooo bad plus I didn’t have enough fat for the chili so I was pretty hungry by the time I went to bed.


Day Three: Lets talk about the headaches. OMG. They came fast and lasted A L L day long. Nothing helped. It was also the first day I went to work doing this program. And work is a trigger for me. I want Mt. Dew and food court food and the vender machines always call my name. Plus my work uses candy as a prize for a lot metrics they do. But I did great!

  • Meal one:  Eggs with veggies and compliant bacon.
  • Meal two: A delicious burger salad you see pictured down there. It was left over stuff burgers from the other day over spinach with sweet potatoes all mixed with coconut oil and avocados.
  • Meal three: Left over turkey chili.


Day Four: Still had a bunch of headaches but felt mild compared to the day before. It was also a work day. But I still stayed strong and didn’t cave into the junk there. I also seem to have a lot of energy. I ended up coming home from work started cleaning the house, made dinner and then went to an hour of Zumba. Normally on work days I would just crash and spend the remaining of the night on the couch vegging out in front of the TV.

  • Meal one: Eggs, veggies and bacon again
  • Meal two: Left over chili
  • Meal three: Sloppy Joes over lettuce with an spicy orange and avocado salad. (the kids had their Sloppy Joes on buns.) pictured below.


Day five: Nothing out of the ordinary. No headaches, normally I would have napped on this day while Gunner took his nap but nope I didn’t. I was up and about and even made homemade mayo! I will never buy mayo again. ever. I even did another hour of Zumba. The only thing I can say about this day was that I struggled with my work out. It was hard to keep up and when I got home that night I crashed out on the couch. It could be that my work out was in the evening that day or it could be because of the program. Not sure.

  • Meal one: Broccoli slaw topped with apple sausage and eggs and a side of bacon.
  • Meal two: Tuna apple and broccoli slaw salad with homemade mayo with a side of apples.
  • Meal three: Apple sausage and guacamole with spinach


Day 6: I was tired. So tired all I wanted to do was sleep. But I didn’t I kicked myself into gear and sorted through all the kids toys. It was also a rest day for me so no exercise. Thank god.

  • Meal one: Mustard sausage with spinach and sweet potatoes. I threw in 1 TBL spoon mayo and mixed all together. It was soooo good!
  • Meal two: Mustard tuna apple salad. (this was a oops I didn’t plan shiz for lunch let me throw stuff together. it was alright but not really. ha ha ha.)
  • Meal three: Chicken lime burger from TJs over spinach topped with compliant bacon, tomatoes and red onions. The sauce is homemade avocado ranch. OMG! the sauce. YUM! 


Day 7: This was a pretty big day all in itself for being 1 week of eating 100% whole30 but it was also where the family and I went to a car show in SLC for 4 1/2. That means away from my appliances. So I freaked myself out a little. What was I going to bring how was I going to eat etc. But all in all it was fine. I actually felt better then I would have before this. I would have wanted all the vendors food and the smell of it all would have made me super hungry. But I was clear headed and had energy to walk everywhere. Didn’t even sit down once. Where before I would be looking for a bench.

  • Meal one: A huge breakfast. I made a huge omelet stuffed with garden veggies then had shredded sweet potatoes apple sausage and guacamole. cooked all in coconut oil. I figured if I had enough good fat that I wouldn’t struggle up there.
  • Meal two: blood oranges, and a homemade taco salad with avocado ranch sauce and filled with onions, spinach, avocados.
  • Meal three: Left overs from lunch.

*No pictures because well I was busy have fun.

Okay so for my first week the things I noticed was I eat a ton of sweet potatoes and I don’t drink enough water. (only drank it when I had a meal.) I still struggle with going to bed before 10pm because that’s when my husband and I have alone time. I feel super tired by 10pm but force myself to stay awake. So I am going to work on those things. Also, I am currently breaking out a lot. I think its due to my body releasing all the junk. I am not gassy or bloated like others say they are but I think its due to the fact that I ate mostly whole before. I also am short tempered if I don’t eat when I am hungry (aren’t we all) and I find that I needed some snacks here and there. Which were mostly an apple or some oranges or I would drink water and then feel fine.

But that’s it folks. First week completed. When you break it down it doesn’t seem that hard (yet.) I do have a lot of dishes and I am grateful that my husband is a produce manager because he brings home stuff for me mostly every night or it would be costly. especially since I am a throw it all together not really plan it out kind of gal. I cook what I want to eat. Maybe in the next few weeks I will learn to plan out better but for now it works.

How's everyone else doing? any of you trying the whole30 or want too?

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