I'm staring over this new year with a new pattern of thoughts, a new wave of emotions, a new connection to the world and a new believe system in me. I am no longer going to tie my self down with excuses or blame others for how I feel and how I am. I will own my YES year. This year will be my year. I can see it, feel it and crave it.
This year I know anything will be possible. I am going to start each day with a goal. I am going to eat more real food. Buy good books and find the time to read them. I am going to drink a shit load of water. Exercise daily even when it sounds like a terrible idea. I am going to purge the unnecessary and decrease the clutter physically materialistically and emotionality. I will hug the ones I love, find the best in them and others and show others the best in me. I will learn to be okay with doing things on my own and not let the stop me from having the adventures I crave. I will stop talking bad about the people I love the most. This year I will push myself out of my comfort zone. Try new things and be okay with making a mistake in the process.
I will never find the answers I am looking for unless I set my old heart free and this year is my year. I will be a better me.
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