Just in case you haven't heard.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Yesterday I announced via Instagram and Facebook that my EGGO IS PREGO!


I know that test is light and I know that I am at the super early stage and some people don't normally share the news at this point. but I am not one to not be an over sharer. Plus I took 3 tests at different times and one again this morning that the second line grew darker.

According to the internet and my guess at when my last period was I believe I am at least 5-6 weeks along which is still to early to go to the doctor since they like to see you at 8 weeks. My non-doctor, internet given due date would be in September maybe the 7th-ish.

I am okay with the fact that I am sharing this now because I knew instantly that I was with Wyatt and I shared the same news at this early stage too and I have him. Plus I am already starting to feel the sickness and the urge to pee in the middle of the night.

Like last night, I woke up at 3am pee a lot and couldn't go back to sleep because of the nausea. This morning, still nausea but no throwing up yet.

With Wyatt I threw up each time I ate and never cried. This time so far it is the opposite. I cry at everything and haven't thrown up yet.  So maybe its a girl?

That would be crazy but it wouldn't that be fun, different and super scary? eeee…

What do you think it is?


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